Digital Music News reports on CRB demands for transparency in streaming negotiations

Digital Music News has reported on detail within the Copyright Royalty Board’s recent decision to suspend procedures for adoption of statutory rates and terms until they receive full disclosure of any side deals between the so called “settling parties”. This came in response to the recent requests by songwriter George Johnson and MCNA.

These parties include the National Music Publishers’ Association (NMPA), the Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI), and the Digital Media Association which represents major streaming services including Spotify and Google.

“The body of the firmly worded latest order, for its part, compels the streaming services and the publishing companies to file (not ‘lodge’) any supplemental written agreements…that represent consideration for, or are contractually related to, the Settlement referenced in the Motion,” explained the article’s author, Dylan Smith.

“Not stopping at ‘supplemental written agreements,’ however, the order also requires the entities to forward ‘a detailed description of any supplemental oral agreements’ relating to the Phonorecords IV deal, besides ‘a certification or certifications from a person or persons with first-hand knowledge stating that there are no other agreements, written or oral, beyond the Settlement’ and the agreements forwarded under the order itself.”

Read the complete article at Digital Music News.

(Photo by Mikhail Pavstyuk on Unsplash)

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