Posts by Marco Foley

Upcoming Event: Symposium on protecting free speech in the global music landscape

On March 3, 2023, MCNA board member, Charles Sanders, will be co-hosting an important symposium on political violence against music creators. The event is presented by the National Music Council of the United States and the the International Music Council and will be broadcast online. For more details, visit the symposium home page or review…
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Musical culture and economics rest on both speech freedoms and copyright protections

New York, November 19, 2022: With the suppression of artistic freedoms on the rise throughout the world, it remains clear that many governments continue to view the longstanding practice of lashing out against music creators to be an especially effective strategy in discouraging political dissent. That tactic has the dual intentions of silencing those voices…
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Fair Trade Music releases songwriters’ guide to the MLC unmatched royalties issue

Fair Trade Music International has released an educational video to help music creators understand and address the MLC unmatched royalty issue. In this two-minute animation, we explain how these unclaimed royalties came about and describe what each creator can do to check whether part of this $400m+ belongs to them. The important message in this…
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Digital Music News reports on CRB demands for transparency in streaming negotiations

Digital Music News has reported on detail within the Copyright Royalty Board’s recent decision to suspend procedures for adoption of statutory rates and terms until they receive full disclosure of any side deals between the so called “settling parties”. This came in response to the recent requests by songwriter George Johnson and MCNA. These parties…
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MCNA requests settlement transparency in Phonorecords IV

Music Creators North America has written to to Chief Copyright Royalty Judges David Shaw, David R. Strickler and Steve Ruwe at the US Copyright Royalty Board requesting settlement transparency in the in Phonorecords IV  process. The letter was submitted on October 4, 2022 and full content  is shown below. It can also be downloaded as…
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copyright alliance

“Poor planning by music streaming services does not constitute an emergency”

The following article was recently posted on the Copyright Alliance website and was written by CEO Keith Kupferschmid. The organization, of which MCNA is a member, represents the interests of authors, artists, musicians and many other individual creators. It is dedicated to advocating policies that promote and preserve the value of copyright.   “Many years…
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A full week of advocacy on behalf of music creators

Members of MCNA and our member organizations spent a a full week in New York recently to advocate for the rights and interests of songwriters and composers. This took place during A2IM’s Independent Music Week, the world’s largest independent music conference. The objective as always was to halt the mistreatment of music creators and authors…
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